International Aid


Staff and volunteers of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement are working day and night, risking – and losing – their lives while helping others. They are seeing extreme levels of death, danger and destruction. Yet, even amid this chaos, they are still doing all they can to reach and give comfort to people.

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Since February 2022, the Irish Red Cross working alongside partners from the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement have supported millions of people impacted by the conflict in Ukraine, neighbouring countries as well as here in Ireland where people have sought refuge. This includes immediate cash relief assistance, health and care, psychosocial support, as well as support to housing.

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One year after the outbreak of violence, the volunteers and staff of the Sudanese Red Crescent Society (SRCS) are still working around the clock with limited resources to meet massive humanitarian needs. More than one-third of the country’s population, 17.7 million people, are facing acute food insecurity.

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Since 16 April Afghanistan has been experiencing unusually heavy seasonal rains. New waves of flash flooding and subsequent mudslides have swept across multiple provinces in the northeast region of Afghanistan, killing hundreds and destroying thousands of homes, livestock and agricultural land.
Thousands of displaced people have no homes to return to after their houses were swept away. With your help we can continue to provide much-needed lifesaving assistance.

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Since March 2011, Syria has been experiencing an increasingly violent and pervasive situation of conflict.

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Years of conflict in Yemen has caused unspeakable suffering, and the humanitarian needs are multiple and massive.

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Since early 2015, the Irish Red Cross has been assisting the Indian Red Cross Society in their effort to combat the spread of tuberculosis.

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The Irish Red Cross (IRC) in cooperation with the Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS), is currently implementing a Community Livelihood Promotion Project in Myagdi District.

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