As a registered Irish charity, your support is essential to us. In every element of our work, we strive for the utmost standard of governance, accountability, and transparency.
The Irish Red Cross is a registered Irish charity. Our charity number is 20005184. Our legal form is that we are a corporate body established by statute. We are registered with the Irish Revenue Commissioners to be eligible for tax-effective donations and in that regard have the number: CHY3950.
How your donation is used
To read how your donation is used, click donor charter.
We endeavor to keep all costs to a minimum ensuring that the maximum percentage of each donation goes to those in need. On average, a minimum of 93% of every donation to an emergency appeal goes towards that specific response.
Accounting and Transparency
Our Annual accounts are independently audited and made publicly available on our website.
Our reporting on our activities and finances is in line with the ‘Statement of Recommended Practices’ (SORP), which is also recommended by the Irish Charity Regulator.
We are fully compliant with the Irish Charity Regulator’s Governance Code for charities.
We comply fully with the Charity Regulator’s Guidelines for Fundraising.
The Irish Red Cross Board of Directors (Charity Trustees) are unpaid volunteers who receive no salary for their time given to the charity.
As per our most recently published audited accounts (2023), the number of employees whose salary was within a pay bracket of €70,001-€80,000 were one. The number of employees whose salary was within a pay bracket of €80,001 – €90,000 was four.
Since January 2023, the Irish Red Cross Secretary General (equivalent to CEO) receives an annual salary of €110,000.