I seem to have always been aware of the Red Cross…If I can help their efforts, I am proud to do so
Edwin Humphreys, Irish Red Cross supporter
A gift you give today is what helps us plan for tomorrow.
Hi there,
My name is Frank Phelan and I look after gifts in Wills here at the Irish Red Cross. By remembering us in your Will, you can help us build a long-term vision and create a clear strategy that will help vulnerable people for future generations.
What we have achieved in the past with your amazing support symbolises the progress and success that can be achieved through your ability to plan ahead and to think of all the people that might be following in your footsteps. Large or small, leaving a gift in your Will is a special and personal way to make an impact.
Please contact me if you would like to hear more about leaving the Irish Red Cross a gift in your Will. My phone number is 01 642 4645, or you can email me at fphelan@redcross.ie. I will always be happy to hear from you.

Did you know that it’s possible to leave a charity just 1% in your Will?
Just 1% to the Irish Red Cross and the other 99% will care for your family and friends.
The most usual examples of gifts we receive are:
- A percentage of the value of your estate. Even 1% of your estate would be a wonderful gift to the Irish Red Cross, leaving 99% for those closest to you.
- A sum of money to suit your circumstances – you can decide this amount and include it in your Will.
- A residuary gift means the part of your estate that is left after you have made sure that your loved ones have been taken care of. Whatever might be left over could be left to the Irish Red Cross in your Will.

“The Irish Red Cross are like first-responders. They do not have the time to fundraise on each and every occasion a humanitarian disaster strikes. If my legacy gift can help to mobilise immediate resources for people in terrible crisis – that is a legacy I am proud of”
Fidelma Kelly, Irish Red Cross Supporter
By leaving a gift in your Will to the Irish Red Cross, you have the power to give beyond your lifetime.

Mrs. Farrell left us €2,000, which funded a new defibrillator for a Red Cross ambulance. The ambulance is out and about every weekend and Mrs. Farrell’s gift has already saved a life of a spectator who collapsed at an outdoor sporting event.
Mrs. Ahearn left us €45,000 for people caught up in disasters. Her gift helped survivors immediately after the 2011 Japanese tsunami. Today her gift is still helping to give playtimes to traumatised children who see water and mud in their nightmares.

Simple and significant. Even 1% makes a wonderful difference.
It’s easy to leave the Irish Red Cross a gift in your Will. Four important pieces of information for your Will:
- Irish Red Cross Head Office, 16 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, D02 XF85
- Charity Number: CHY3950
- Registered charity number: 20005184
- Amount of the gift that you would like to leave us.
Simply pass these on to your solicitor and it is done in minutes.
Free Online Will Writing Service
Writing or amending your Will need not be difficult or expensive. Irish Red Cross offers a Free Will Service for our supporters and their partners. You can create a simple Will, free of charge, using an online Will writing service. We are a charity partner of FreeWill Ireland. The FreeWill offering will be suitable for many people, but for those with more complex it is generally recommended to use the services of a solicitor.
There’s no obligation to do so, but we would be extremely grateful if you could support us with a gift in your Will. If you remember the Irish Red Cross in your Will, you can help us build a long-term vision and create a clear strategy that will help vulnerable people for future generations.

Why make a Will?
Making a Will is the best way of ensuring that your wishes are met, and the people and causes you care about are looked after.
Write your Will online
To help you get started with writing a Will from the comfort of your own home, we’ve teamed up with FreeWill Ireland*, and their online partner Last Will* to provide you with a free online Will writing service.
- When you have decided you would like to use this service, please contact Frank Phelan to receive your unique weblink for your free Will. Email: fphelan@redcross.ie or call 01 642 4645. You will also receive a simple Will Guidance document by return email.
- Review the guidance material before completing your online Will. Plan your will, taking account of your various assets, liabilities and wishes for the future.
- When you’re ready to start drafting your Will, click on the link sent to you to start your free online will.
- There are a number of sections, and you can review and edit these as you progress.
- Once the system has generated your Will (it will be sent to your email), simply print it out and follow the instructions to sign it and have it witnessed.
- Store your Will in a safe place. It is recommended to make other relevant people aware of its location.
There is no charge for a standard Will, which is suitable for most people.
If you find your Will is more complicated and you want to take legal advice, you can ask FreeWill to refer you to their partner solicitor (but there is a fee for this). The will can be reviewed either in person or via Zoom.
When you leave our website, you can check the separate privacy policies of FreeWill Ireland and Last Will on their websites.
Frequently Asked Questions
What do I need to consider when using the Free Will Service?
You can find information before starting your Will at this link. Along with your voucher code, we will also send you a guidance document to help you prepare.
Do I have to leave a gift in my Will to this Charity to use this FreeWill service?
No. Your Will is your business so it’s entirely up to you whether you choose to leave us a gift or not.
If I leave a gift to the Irish Red Cross in my Will, do I need to let you know?
We won’t know you have left a gift unless you give permission to inform us (there is a tick box option in the will) – or until the time comes for your Will to be read. Whatever option you choose, we always love to hear from supporters so we can thank you for your gift and stay in touch.
What if I change my mind?
Including a gift to the Irish Red Cross in your Will does not make it a binding commitment while you are still alive. You can change your mind and amend your Will again at any time.
I have a trusted solicitor. Can I use them to leave a gift to the Irish Red Cross?
Yes, you can use your own solicitor to draw up your Will, although it’s unlikely to be free to do so. Simply tell them you want to include a gift (residuary or cash) to the Irish Red Cross in your Will and they will arrange it for you. Once completed, we would be grateful if you could let us know so that we can thank you but you are under no obligation to do so. If you have already written a Will and would like to leave a gift, you can create a codicil with your solicitor, which simply allows you to update part of your Will.
Please contact Frank, on 01 642 4645, for more information. You can also email him at fphelan@redcross.ie.
Thank you for considering the Irish Red Cross for a gift in your Will. We would be truly honored and grateful to receive it.
Yours sincerely,

Partnerships and Philanthropy Manager
Irish Red Cross